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Benchmade Griptilian Folder Knife Black Nylon Handle Plain S30V Edge 550

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Blade Length: 3.45"

Blade Thickness: 0.115"

Handle Thickness: 0.640"

Blade Material: S30V

Black Handle

Hollow Grind

Modified Sheepsfoot

Ambidextrous Thumb Holes

Weight: 3.25oz.

Pocket Clip: Tip Up, Reversible, Black

Lock Mechanism: Axis

Overall Length: 8.07"

Closed Length: 4.62"

Sheath Material: Sold Separately

Class: Blue

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  • 5
    Great knife, even better dealer

    Posted by JOSEPH TRAINA on 23rd Mar 2021

    The grip is a great knife, everyone knows that. The sheepsfoot blade might be my favorite. Add a Spydie hole and you've got a great, lightweight gem.

    But the real star is this dealer. Justin will always take care of business and do right. He's always my first choice.

  • 5
    Benchmade Grip s30v

    Posted by S. Brown on 4th Feb 2019

    Smooth knife, Spydie Hole is better(more fun) to use than the thumb studs of the drop point version. s30v metal is decent without having to sacrafice how easy a knife is to sharpen. FRN scales are whatever because I bought this knife with the intention of swapping scales and the AWT scales im using make this knife appear alot nicer than the work knife it actually is

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