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Benchmade Mini Presidio II Knife Black CF-Elite Handle Plain S30V Blade 575-1

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Overall Length: 7.48in [19.0cm]

Closed Length: 4.34in [11.02cm]

Blade Length: 3.20in [8.13cm]

Blade Thickness: 0.114in [2.896mm]

Plain Edge

Satin Finish

Drop Point

Blade Material: CPM-S30V

58-60 HRC

Handle Thickness: 0.56in [14.22mm]

Handle Material: Black CF-Elite

Deep Carry Reversible Tip-Up Pocket Clip

Weight: 3.19oz [90.43g]

Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews

  • 5
    Mini presidio

    Posted by Derik on 8th Apr 2021

    Excellent knife, solid QC

  • 5
    New Benchmade fan

    Posted by Tan on 25th Feb 2021

    I’ve been loyal to Spyderco for many years, owned 7 in my life, but wanted to try something new. I’ve heard many good things about Benchmade but never really intrigued me in the past. But seeing this particular model at its price, it’s almost a steal. I gave it a shot. The action is great, though the axis lock does stick if I flick it too hard, I’m sure 100 more times of flicking will prevent the lock stick. But it is smooth to open, slices very well (almost as good as the chaparral) but has good ergonomics for reverse grip since this is a tactical knife. I would recommend this all day. Very happy

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