35 Cool Things You Can Do with Swiss Army Knife Tools

35 Cool Things You Can Do with Swiss Army Knife Tools

4th Jul 2022

Some Swiss Army Knife tools have upwards of 30 tools or attachments, making them exceptionally versatile pieces of equipment. There’s a reason that “Swiss Army Knife” has become a metonym for a thing that can “do anything.”

And, while “anything” is a broad term, there really is a lot you can do with a Swiss Army Knife tool.

Just consider these 35 cool, practical uses for a Victorinox Swiss Army Knife.

1.Carve a frame for caring gear

The spear point blade of a Swiss Army Knife is ideal for whittling sticks into shape and cutting notches for lashing frames that can be used to carry the rest of your gear.

2.Whittle feathersticks

A sharp blade and a nice piece of dry hardwood can be whittled into a featherstick that can be used to light a fire.

3.Carve camp tools like spoons and cooking frames/implements

Spoons, lantern hangers, pot hangers, skewers, tent pegs, you name with - with a Swiss Army Knife Swiss Tool, or any other pocket knives, you can make it.

4.Improvise the Swiss Army Knife as a carrying tool

Use the carrying hook on a Swiss Army Knife to get a grip. Better yet, wrap the loop of a bag over the lozenge-shaped form of one to help evenly distribute the load and save your hands.

5.Scale a fish

Many Swiss Army Knife tools, like a Swiss Champ, already have a fish scaler built-in. However, you can also improvise a fish scaler by scraping in the opposite direction of the scales using the spine of a knife.

6.Build shelter

Just like you can carve a spoon or a carrying frame, you can carve and shape the timbers you’d need for a structure using nothing but a Swiss Army Knife.

7.Make a fire

                                       Swiss Army Knife Tools

There are actually many ways to make a fire with an SAK. For this one, we’re suggesting the use of a Ferro rod. Scrape against the rod using the spine of a knife and direct the sparks onto your tinder: bingo, fire.

8.Dice up fruit

An SAK is a great tool for food prep. Need to carve up an apple or dice some fruits for a salad? The rest is self-explanatory.

9.Make a sandwich

An SAK can cut the bread, spread the condiments, and prepare the meats and cheeses.

10.Open a can or a bottle

Many Swiss Army Knives have both bottle and can openers, but the enterprising can also improvise with an awl of knife blade.

11.Strip wire to make electrical connections

Strip wire with the pen knife or with a wire stripper, and use a model with a crimper to make connections.

12.Improvise a camp toothbrush

Carve and pound out the ends of a green twig; the separated fibers make an excellent improvised toothbrush.

13.Get a closer look

Many SAKs come with a magnifying glass that makes it easier to see up close.

14.Remove splinters (two ways!)

You can either use the tweezers included with most models to remove splinters, or slide the edge of the blade under a protruding splinter and pinch down on the top with your fingers to remove it.

15.Open a box or clamshell packaging.

Avoid package rage, open one up with an SAK instead.

16.Remove staple

Slide the tip of a knife under a staple to pry it up.

17.Make short work of envelope

Never fear the mail!

18.Build a stove

There are quite a few ways to do this, but our suggestion is to punch holes in the bottom of an aluminum soda can, drain the contents, and then cut the top and bottom off leaving one inch of the cylinder attached.

Insert the bottom half into the top half, then fill with rubbing alcohol or stove fuel and light it.

19.Tighten the works

Most Swiss Army Knives contain screwdrivers that can be used to tighten loose screws.

20.Sharpen a pencil

No pencil sharpener? No problem!

Just whittle the end of a pencil back to shape!

21.Make kindling

A Swiss Army Knife is the perfect tool for splitting and whittling thin sticks that can be used for kindling.

22.Work a knot free

You won’t want to use a knife for this. Instead, use the awl including with your SAK to work a knot free until it can be loosed by hand.

23.Smooth sharp edges

Most Swiss Army Knives (if not all) contain metal and nail files. Use these to remove burrs and polish metal.

24.Clean small game

You might want to use a larger fixed blade for medium and large game, but a Swiss Army Knife is the perfect tool to clean small game like quail, rabbits and squirrels. You can breast pheasants, ducks and doves with them too.

25.Open a can

You can use either the can opener (or knife blade, with caution) to open and drain factory sealed cans without pull tabs or rings.

26.Make a new hole in your belt

Lost weight on the trail? Remove your belt, mark a spot, and rotate the point of the knife until it cuts through the leather to the other side.

27.Cut down a small tree

While an axe, saw or hatchet would be better, you can fell a small tree with a Swiss Army Knife by making a series of notched cuts around the trunk.

28.Break down boxes

Declutter the package staging area in your home.

29.Make your mark

Many Swiss Army Knives have a ballpoint pen built-in, but you can also use the point of a knife to make scores or marks for cutting or other purposes.

30.Improvise a hammer

Don’t have a hammer? Lay the side of your SAK against whatever you need to strike and tap it gently with your palm or some other implement. Be warned, though, this will leave marks on the handle of your knife.

31.Open a split ring

With caution, you can use the point of a small blade to pry open a split ring.

32.Gut a fish

Any small pen knife can do the trick - you just need a small incision from vent to gills and you can get the job done.

              Swiss Army Knife Tools

33.Open a stuck hatch

Insert the point of your blade between the hatch and the frame that secures it. Apply gentle lateral pressure and you may be able to lift the latch.

Don’t force it, though, or you’ll cut yourself or break the knife.

34.Undo knots in fishing line

Undo knots the easy way - cut the line where the problem arises!

35.Scrape away excess glue, stickers, debris, or corrosion

You can use the spine of a Swiss Army Knife to scrape away glue, residue, debris, or corrosion on the surface of other materials such as wood or glass.

Pick Up a New Victorinox Swiss Army Knife Tool Today

Need an excuse to get a new Victorinox Swiss Army Knife tool or a pocket knife? These 35 uses for one should give you plenty of reasons to get a new one.

Swiss Army Knives are made with high-quality components including stainless steel and durable scale materials. Many of them incorporate tools including blades, fish scalers, metal files and nail files, key rings, ballpoint pens, a magnifying glass, saws, Phillips screwdrivers, wire strippers, and much more.

Get a new one today and save on it - we offer free shipping on orders in the U.S.!

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