
Ten Great Uses for (Most) Swiss Army Knife Tools

25th Aug 2020

Victorinox would be well received even without its illustrious history. Swiss Army Knife tools can stand on their own merits. Whether for making a quick fix to your bike on the trail, for cutting up old packages or for stripping some wires, Victorinox tools will never leave you out in the cold. Check out some of these tasks you can slay with most Swiss Army knives.

1.Whittle Tent Pegs

What can you do if you find yourself in the backcountry on a camping trip but you’ve forgotten your tent pegs? You can’t set up camp without them!

It might be a stretch, since most campers carry their critical equipment, like their lines, pegs and tent, all in one spot, but crazier things have happened in the field. If you are ever without a set of pegs, find some green hardwood branches about an inch thick and shave down an end to make new pegs. You can even carve an eye or a notch in the other end to make it easier to tie down the lines or to pull the pegs out. You can even use the blade to create a maul to hammer the pegs in.

2.Clear a Shooting Lane

Most Swiss Army Knife tools come with a wood saw that is ideal for cutting through twigs and sticks around 1 to 2 inches in diameter. If you get to your stand and find that there are some branches that grew or fell through to your shooting lane, you can make quick work of them with the saw that comes as a part of your Swiss Army Pocket knife.

3.Sew Up Tears

Speaking again of camping, if you accidentally tear a hole in your tent, rain fly, tarp or backpack, your Swiss Army Knife can probably make it easy for you to fix it. You will need some thread, but most Swiss Army Knives come with a reamer and a sewing up to make a quick fix in the field. Simply punch holes with the reamer and sew up the tear with a makeshift needle, or, if you know how to use the sewing eye, you can use that.

4.Open Cans (and Bottles)

This is a pretty straightforward skill that doesn’t need a lot of background, but most Swiss Army Knives contain not only can and bottle openers but also a corkscrew. With these you can open nearly any type of can or bottle out there.

5.Tighten Loose Screws

All different types of tools and equipment are fastened with screws. If these come loose in the field you can really be stuck up a creek without a paddle, unless of course you brought along your Swiss Army Knife. Most models have not only a flathead but a Phillips screwdriver.

6.Remove a Splinter

Something else nearly all Swiss Army Knife tools have is a pair of tweezers. These can be used, among other purposes, to remove splinters in the field. A splinter can become more than a passing aggravation if you don’t remove it swiftly, and if your Victorinox tools include tweezers, you can.

7.Trim Wires - or Make Snares

Many Swiss Army knives and multi purpose tools contain pliers or wire cutters. If so you can trim wires in the field. You can even make a snare with a little extra know how, which means you can feed yourself in the bush.

8.Clean Your Teeth

Even the most basic Swiss Army Knives - not just their multi tools, come with a toothpick and tweezers. Hygiene can fall by the wayside in the backcountry, but you shouldn’t let it. Prevent yourself from developing toothaches and other complications by keeping your teeth clean with the toothpick included with most models.

9.Start a Fire

This trick is a bit of a stretch but you can make it happen with the right skills. Some Swiss Army Knives come with a magnifying glass. If you have some really fine, dry tinder and a cooperative, powerful sun, you might be able to coax the fluff to a flame.

10.Build Camp Furniture

Finally, you can use your Swiss Army Knife to craft camp furniture. Using the wood saw and knife, you can cut joints and carve notches. With a few skills mastered, you can create bushcraft cooking equipment, camp stoves, chairs, tables, handles for tools, shelters and much more.

Want to learn more about what you can use Swiss Army Knife tools to do? Get in contact with our team! We’d be more than happy to give you more ideas for campcraft or how carrying a Swiss Army Knife for EDC can set you up for success. These are truly only a small handful of uses for Swiss Army Knives - most of them contain other useful tools, like keyrings, other screwdrivers and wire strippers, nail files, fish scalers and much more.

Also, before you go, check out our page on Victorinox knives and tools. There you will find plenty of Swiss Army Knives and tools. Take a look through our offerings, and if you have any questions, contact us at We’d be more than happy to answer your questions - or even to see if we can find the right model for you, if you don’t see it listed. 

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