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Zero Tolerance Model 0235 Slip Joint Knife Carbon Fiber Handle 20CV Plain Edge

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No Export

Overall Length:6.30"

Blade Length: 2.60"

Cutting Edge: 2.50"

Blade Width: 0.75"

Blade Thickness: 0.12"

Blade Material: CPM-20CV

Spear Point 

Flat Grind

Stonewash Finish

Plain Edge

Handle Length: 3.80"

Handle Width: 0.75"

Handle Thickness: 0.40"

Handle Material: Black Carbon Fiber

Stainless Steel Frame/Liner

Right Hand Carry

Tip-Up Pocket Clip


Nail Nick

Slip Joint

Weight: 1.80 oz.

Designed by Jens Anso

Manufactured in the USA

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  • 5
    Highly satisfying.. super light

    Posted by JEM on 15th Dec 2023

    Normally not a big slip joint fan, but this ZT gets pocket time. Super light, the double detent works great. Easy to open, easy to shut. The pocket clip was way too tight, but worked on it for a while and it is now OK. You can't see the blue back spacer very well in the pics, but it adds a nice accent to the knife.

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