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Zero Tolerance Model 0357 Liner Lock A/O Knife Black G10 Handle Plain SW 20CV Blade

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Overall Length: 7.75"

Blade Length: 3.25"

Cutting Edge: 3.375"

Blade Width: 1.125"

Blade Thickness: 0.12"

Blade Material: CPM-20CV

Drop Point

Flat Grind

Stonewash Finish

Plain Edge

Handle Length: 4.375"

Handle Width: 1.00"

Handle Thickness: 0.50"

Handle Material: Black G-10

Stainless Steel Frame/Liner

Ambidextrous Carry

Tip-Up Pocket Clip



Liner Lock

Weight: 4.30 oz.

Manufactured in the USA

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    Upgraded features on the 0357

    Posted by Bob on 15th Apr 2021

    The ZT 0357 is one of my favorite knives. I had the same knife in the Blackwash version (Ser # 10xx) for a while and liked it so much I wanted it in the Stonewash version too. I was pleasantly surprised to see a few upgrades on this one (Ser # 32xx). The pocket clip has been altered to allow it to easily slip past the screws and sit full deep carry. The liner lock bar in not as scalloped and now allows my thump to more easily release the lock and it is noticeably thinner behind the edge than my older Blackwash version. Could it be that ZT are listening to their customers? Wowsers!!

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